Friday, August 31, 2007

What have I done?

I could say I started this blog on a whim. But that's not quite true. Actually, it's been something I've thought of for a long time and I decided to jump right in. Of course, I want to share the beauty I discovered in Ireland but as I told a friend, it really is going to force me to match up the hundreds of photos I snapped with the journal I kept -- at least for the trip to The West. That was my second trip and I have it pretty well documented.

Unfortunately, during my first trip down to the south, I was so overwhelmed with all I saw, I didn't make quite as many notes.

From a writer's perspective, this new venture will be glorious. A challenge, but still a most wonderful journey back through my memories and impressions. I think it will also be a learning experience as I wade through all the information I collected. You know how it goes. Grabbing brochures, buying booklets, looking at all the post cards you didn't send because you wanted to keep them for yourself.

For now, I'll post some of my favorite photos. That might take a while simply because they all hold a special place in my heart.


Magdaleine said...

I love your photos, Francine! I'm looking forward to seeing more and to reading your memories of being in Ireland.

Francine Biere said...

Maggie and Cami: Thanks so much for your comments.

I'm going to add a post about the Celtic crosses and their meaning.

Stay tuned!

Dale said...

I think this blog is a fabulous idea. I look forward to your posts.

Francine Biere said...

Dale ... you're just all over the place, lol.

Thanks for visiting. And I have to say, I am having such fun doing this blog.